It ended up being quite a busy day in the end.
We were up early to head to the Bath and West Royal Show. I would summarise it by saying it is what Royal Melbourne Show would be if it were mixed with the Whittlesea Show’s agriculture community aspect. While Melbourne Show still has agricultural stuff it has very much become more a focus on the entertainment (rides, sideshow alley) over the agricultural stuff for most people.

Sarah and her sister Emily ended up spending most of the day watching the events on the main arena as that was were the bulk of the equine activity was taking place at the show. Scott and I, meanwhile, wandered the event and checked out the offerings of gin, rum, vodka, and cheese. We also checked out the market stalls but that wasn’t as important as the food!

We also tried our hand at air rifle target shooting. It took some adjusting to the scope as (rightfully so now I think about it) the instructor advised us not to put the eye all the way up to the scope due to the recoil. Anyway, I feel like I did pretty well, pulled the shots a little to the right but still had a good grouping in the 9-10 range.
We had a pint at the Thatchers bar, this time I tried Thatchers Haze. They make some pretty good cider let me tell you. We thought about having some food but opted against it as they were still serving the early menu and there were plenty of food trucks around the event to purchase food from.
Walked around a bit more, then it was time for lunch. I ended up having Pad Thai. Scott had a pulled pork burger. A Blues Brothers tribute band was playing on the live stage as we were eating. Some good tunes. We walked around some more, then watched the doggos do their main arena event. Then to finish off the day there was this event with ponies. Juniour riders do these challenges on ponies as practice for ridership (including mounting and dismounting) where they have to pick things up from tables or on the ground then drop them off in another location. A lot of skill and precision involved, it was quite interesting to watch even though I understand very little of the art of horse riding.

After that it was basically time to call it a day. We picked up some fresh cinnamon donuts on the way out but then Sarah forebode us from eating them in the car. So Scott ate all of his before we got to the car, except the one Sarah eventually nabbed off him.
In the end, it was a long day.

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